18 Beautiful Edging Ideas Around Trees To Dress Up Your Garden

Trees can and should be included when coming up with landscaping ideas for your home.

It can be challenging to come up with edging ideas around trees.

  • What edging to use around trees?

Landscaping edging around trees depends on the size of the tree, the soil, and how many exposed tree roots you see.

  • How do you edge around a tree?

To edge around a tree, include a fabric layer (or just use cardboard), plants, and mulch or gravel.

  • Should you put edging around a tree?

Yes! There are many reasons to add edging. The biggest is that it gives you the opportunity to tie into your yard’s landscape design. It can also act as a deterrent to hungry deer or keep pets away from species that can make them sick.

Here are eighteen edging ideas around trees to explore.

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