20 Pretty Succulents that Change Color

Here are some awesome Succulents that Change Color that you can grow in your home and garden for that unique change of shade!

You might have seen these fleshy plants in a shade of green mostly, but there are Succulents that Change Color according to sunlight exposure, watering, and temperature. Find out the best ones in this article.

Why Succulents Change their Colors?

Sun, water, and temperature play a vital role in determining the color of succulents. These plants take their best color when exposed to more sun and might appear dull and pale if they don’t get proper light.

Similarly, keeping the succulent underwatered or in a slightly stressed state, for example in bit root bound pot, will bring out the colors. Watering them regularly will make them appear deep green.

Temperature also plays a significant role in the shade of these plants. Some succulent varieties change the color of the foliage in the cold season.

Quick Tip: Keeping the succulents in bright sunlight for long, watering them less, and keeping them root bound is the best way to make them colorful!

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