3 Smart Tips for Growing Healthy Succulents in Your Yard

Most people like to have flowers and different types of succulents in their yard or they’re small garden. Some people have better luck at keeping plants alive while others seem to have the power to kill plants just by looking at them. Even if you’re bad at keeping any kind of plants alive these tips might give you more of a fighting chance and get your neighbors and friends impressed at how well you keep plants alive.


  • The soil is the basis of almost all backyard plants and plants can’t live very well without good soil. Succulents love the good draining soil and they thrive in it. Good soil shouldn’t retain every drop of water you put in it and it shouldn’t dry out a minute after you water it. If you want to try and get the best results you can try and mix different types of soil to see what works the best.


  • Many people believe that plants need to be drowned in water to thrive and that’s where a lot of people go wrong when they are trying to grow plants. The simple way to water your plants is just to check if the soil is dry and if it adds a little bit of water to it. Another important thing to remember about this is that you shouldn’t add water to the plant itself but only the soil around the plant.


  • Different types of plants can tolerate a different amount of light. Some plants can suffer during hot days. Some don’t do well in direct sunlight while others thrive in it. To avoid burning the plants put them in the shade or where they aren’t in the ray of direct sunlight and if they require more sunlight than plants usually do try and put them in a spot where they would get the most sunlight.

Beautiful Succulent Planter Alternatives

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