15 Fast Growing Houseplants For Impatient Gardeners

You look at that empty corner if your living room, or your office and you tell yourself, “It really would need a houseplant,” but then you don’t have time for it to grow?

Don’t worry, then; there are indoor plants that grow quite fast and which will fill your indoor spaces with beautiful green (and not just green) foliage and sometimes even flowers!

There are many houseplants that grow fast, especially herbaceous houseplants, all you need to do is choose one that will get the right light and conditions in the spot you have in mind and, of course, that will look good and in keeping with your room.

However, fast growing flowers can give you that much needed boost of indoor space If you’re in a rush to get things growing.

First of all, then, look at that corner you want to brighten up with a houseplant; then, look at the pictures in this article, the description and the tips included and you will find the fast growing houseplant your room so desperately needs!

In addition to the quick growth habit, these indoor plants are also extremely easy to care for!

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