7 Different Type of Begonia Plant That Are Simply Amazing

Begonia is an annual plant that may be grown in any region. Begonias are one of the most popular plants among people due to their outstanding beauty and variety of kinds that produce gorgeous flowers when shaded.

Begonia Pearcei

Begonia pearcei, a tuberous Begonia, with very charming leaves as well as flowers. The velvety, dark leaves have a distinct white venation. The flowers are a bright yellow that stands out against the foliage. Begonia pearcei has a compact, shrubby growth habit that branches nicely. It grows well as a potted plant indoor.

Begonia SP

Begonia SP is a flower found in the tropics and subtropics. Plants that thrive in soil enriched with humus and manure require frequent fertilizer. There are around 1,500 species in the plant kingdom.

Begonia Brevirimosa

Anyone who sees the Begonia brevirimosa will look twice. Isn’t it the perfect combination of botany and art? It is simple to grow and care. This is one of the few begonias that may be propagated with leaf cuttings!

Begonia Masoniana

Begonia masoniana (Iron Cross Begonia) is a popular evergreen, rhizomatous perennial planted for its dramatic foliage of big, oval, rough-textured, brilliant green leaves with cross-shaped, rich chocolate brown centers. The little pink-flushed, white blooms, which grow in straight panicles, are a nice treat.

Begonia Escargot

Escargot has become one of the most popular Rex Begonias on the market, named for the spiral shape and pattern of the leaves. The leaves are formed like a snail’s shell, with a silver and green spiral design that contrasts. The tiny hairs covering the surface of the leaves give the leaves a pink or red hue, especially when they develop.

Begonia Rex

Rex begonia, also known as painted-leaf begonia or fancy-leaf begonia, is a semi-tropical perennial plant with huge variegated leaves in hues of green, red, silver, and even purple. Rex begonia can be planted as an indoor or outdoor container plant. It might be challenging to find the perfect setting for Rex begonia to show off its finest leaf color.

Begonia Furia

This is a unique kind that you may have never seen before. It is quite lovely, with pink and purple leaves and mixed red-purple dots. The size that appears to be smaller is nonetheless a member of the begonia family.

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