12 Stunning English Ivy Indoor Alternatives

Check out the best English Ivy Indoor Alternatives that you can grow in your home to display lobed foliage in pots or hanging baskets!

These stunning English Ivy Indoor Alternatives have an uncanny resemblance to the famous Hedera helix and also come with the versatility of that plant!

1. Creeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus pumila

This beautiful creeping houseplant has both plain and variegated versions resembling English ivy. It is a great option for hanging baskets.

2. Wax Ivy

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus

This exact ivy look-alike comes in many varieties, and people often get confused. The difference is its leaves are waxy and smooth compared to the English ivy.

3. Swedish Ivy

Botanical Name: Plectranthus australis

The round green leaves of this beautiful houseplant have scalloped white margins. This easy-to-grow specimen is an apt choice for hanging baskets.

4. Grape Ivy

Botanical Name: Cissus rhombifolia

This beautiful indoor plant grows well in indirect bright light. Its pointed green leaves mimic English ivy and can be trained to trail beautifully on a plant stand.

5. Schefflera

Botanical Name: Schefflera ‘Trinette’

The foliage of this variegated variety has a green base splashed with cream-yellow patches. It looks quite similar to English ivy.

6. Japanese Holly Fern

Botanical Name: Cyrtomium falcatum

The sharp-tipped, serrated, and deep green fronds of this plant look quite similar to the English ivy. You can grow this indoor fern in partial sun or shade.

7. Cupid Peperomia

Botanical Name: Peperomia scandens ‘Variegata’

The heart-shaped light-green leaves have creamy gold edges, giving it an illusion of the English ivy plant. It looks cute in small pots.

8. Cape Ivy

Botanical Name: Senecio angulatus

The toothed glossy green leaves look great indoors near a bright window. This drought-tolerant houseplant also offers sweet-scented flowers when exposed to sunlight.

9. Ellen Danica Cissus

Botanical Name: Cissus rhombifolia ‘Ellen Danica’

This stunning cascading houseplant features large serrated foliage in a shape of a grape on dark green thin stems. Grow it in hanging basket for best display.

10. Ivy Geranium

Botanical Name: Pelargonium peltatum

You can grow ivy geranium in hanging baskets as an English ivy alternative. The serrated green leaves are patterned with white veins.

11. Japanese Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera rhombea

The heart-shaped and dark green leaves of this climber look great in hanging baskets. Grow this vine in bright, indirect light.

12. German Ivy

Botanical Name: Delairea odorata

This climbing vine offers lush glossy mid-green lobed leaves. It prefers full sun but can also do well in indirect light indoors.

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