16 Best Red Tropical Plants for Growing Indoors & Outdoors

Discover the names of Best Red Tropical Plants for Growing Indoors & Outdoors to add a pop of a scarlet hue to your surrounding!

Here’s an exclusive list of the Best Red Tropical Plants for Growing Indoors & Outdoors! Some of them are popular for their spectacular red foliage, while others are valued most for their patterned, variegated leaves.

1. Croton

Botanical Name: Croton

Croton is one of the best plants to display red with different hues. Do make sure that the plant gets 3-4 hours of sun for that pop of colors!

2. Bromeliads

Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae

This tropical plant could possibly be one of the easiest to grow! It can easily adapt to growing in containers indoors and also thrive well outdoors.

3. Caribbean Copper Plant

Botanical Name: Euphorbia cotinifolia

Also popular as Red Spurge, the plant makes for an excellent house plant for a sunny windowsill or an outdoor summer balcony or patio.

4. Copperleaf Plant

Botanical Name: Acalypha wilkesiana

Copperleaf Plant is famous for its red-color foliage. Generally, it loves full sunlight, but it can tolerate some shade, too. The leaves have variations of red, salmon, copper, and scarlet.

5. Red Leaf Heliconia

Botanical Name: Heliconia indica ‘Rubra’

Also famous as Stripe Blood Banana, it is one of the Best Red Tropical Plants you can grow! The beautiful upright, long leaves with red veins emerge from neon red-colored stems.

Botanical Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima

Poinsettias have flaming red-colored petals that are actually leaves wrapped around the small blooms in green and yellow shades. You must grow this one for sure!

12. Ethiopian Banana

Botanical Name: Ensete ventricosum

Ornamental Red Banana makes for a beautiful centerpiece for a courtyard or tropical garden. This plant has stunning burgundy-red-colored foliage.

13. Polka Dot Plant

Botanical Name: Hypoestes phyllostachya

Polka dot plant is a beautiful specimen with red-maroon leaves. If you are growing it indoors, make sure that it gets bright indirect light for the best color.

14. Madagascar Dragon Tree

Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata ‘Tricolor’

Though the plant stays and looks green, give it a good sun exposure, and it will gift you with stunning red foliage. Avoid keeping it in the harsh afternoon sun for long.

15. Red Hook Sedge

Botanical Name: Uncinia rubra

Include this beautiful red ornamental grass in your plant collection for its rich hues. The plant is showy and colorful in appearance.

16. Red Latan Palm

Botanical Name: Latania lontaroides

This is one of the best palms you can grow if you want a colorful tropical look in your garden. Grow it where it gets 3-4 hours of full sun for deep red color.

Here’s a list of 62 Native Florida Plants and Trees you must check out!

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