Smart tips for growing climbing flowers

The truth is that woody climbing varieties can take a few years to establish. But before they reach the height and spread, you can plant some annual variety and instantly fill the empty space. Climbing nasturtiums, morning glories and sweet peas are all good options for your sunny garden spots, although the first also tolerates some shade.

If you have a vegetable garden and you are searching for a way to enhance it, then you can go with annual climbing flowers. Their root systems are definitely less invasive that those of perennial or woody plants. Sweat peas are ideal, because they will add scent and encourage pollinating insects. Let’s take a look at the ideas that I rounded up for you and draw some inspiration. Enjoy!

While some climbers can extend to the top of the large trees or over your home, others are quite small, reaching up to around head height, so pick a spot and then make a plan. Also look for mature plants in parks or other people’s yards to see how the climbing flowers truly perform. Leafy climbers are the perfect plants to create a cool getaway. Hydrangea and ivy scale the house walls, and are perfect for house with brickwork. Both don’t need additional supports and are self-clinging.

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